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Friday, May 24, 2019

14 Early Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know (Millions Are Exposed Every Day)

Mold infestation is very common in most houses and its presence can be the cause of many health problems. Mold can grow just about anywhere and once inside the body, it may look like a disease…

How to test for mold:

Mold is often found in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Generally, it appears first in the bathroom, in the basement or laundry room. Mold can sometimes be invisible. You can check for invisible mold by using:

- A test kit at home to measure the quality of the air and detect the presence of mold.

- A boroscope: to find hidden mold behind walls and other surfaces.

READ MORE: One Month Before Heart Attack, Your Body May Warn You With These 8 Signs

- Or hire a Professional Mold Inspector

Mold remediation and mold removal tips:

You can get rid of mold in the home using black mold removal products or baking soda to remove mold and other household mold removals. For extensive mold problems, consider hiring a professional mold removal company for professional mold remediation.

Mold treatment:

In case you suspect mold toxicity, you can get a mold treatment in the nearest mold toxicity treatment centers.

Here are The 15 Early Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know:

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Redness in your eyes, itching or blurred vision may be related to mold-related diseases. Some people are sensitive to mold as an allergen, which makes their immune system start working harder when exposed to it.

If your symptoms look like hay fever or seasonal allergies and are accompanied by a headache and one of the next symptoms of mold-related illness, see a doctor.


Researchers studying mold-related diseases have found that houses that are wet also affect people’s mood. There was a definite relationship between home humidity, mold, and symptoms of depression.

Psychological stress is normal when you have little control over your home environment and have poor indoor air quality that can affect your health.

READ MORE: One Month Before Heart Attack, Your Body May Warn You With These 8 Signs


Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain and lack of appetite are some of the digestive signs of a mold-related disease. Although these symptoms may lead you to eat less and lose weight.


Unexplained muscle pain that is not caused by intense activity can be a sign of mold-related illness. Muscle pain can be anywhere in your body.

Some people have already reported muscle cramps and acute pain due to mold.

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Top 8 Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer Women Need to Know About!

Because it evolves in silence and its signs may go unnoticed, ovarian cancer is often diagnosed late. Here’s some ovarian cancer information you need to know …

Women with ovarian cancer often have troubling cancer symptoms. Physical symptoms usually depend on the specific type of cancer a woman has and where it has spread.

There are some warning signs that you can not miss. But you have to associate your observations with other factors to avoid drawing too hasty conclusions. According to the National Ovarian Cancer Association, for every 100 women whose symptoms match those of ovarian cancer, only one had early-stage ovarian cancer.

That said, if you feel that there is something weird, you should not ignore it. This cancer is the second most common type of gynecological cancer in women, but it is the one with the highest mortality rate since it is almost always discovered too late. Thus the importance of ovarian cancer awareness.

The goal of ovarian cancer awareness campaigns is to increase awareness and reduce the stigma linked to ovarian cancer treatment options and symptoms. As a result, cancer cases are being diagnosed earlier at a stage when the ovarian cancer treatment is more effective.

Here are 15 Unexpected Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Every Woman Should Know:

The first signs can be so common that some women might ignore them…

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1. Constipation and other changes in your stool

Ovarian cancer and intestinal changes go hand in hand. Women with persistent digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, increased gas, bloating, nausea and vomiting) should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the symptom persists for two weeks or more, it is time to consult your doctor for examination.

2. Loss of appetite or feeling satiated quickly when you eat

Women are generally happy when they lose a few pounds, but that’s not always a good sign. Women with advanced cancer usually become very thin. This may be because they find it difficult to eat and drink, or they have lost their appetite, even for the foods they used to love.

This leads to malnutrition and weight loss. This is sign points to ovarian cancer; women who suffer from it say they have no appetite and cannot eat even when they have not eaten anything in a while.

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3. Pain with sexual activity

The most common cause of pain during intercourse is insufficient vaginal lubrication. In women with advanced ovarian cancer, pain is usually felt on the right or left side of the pelvis.

4. Fatigue

Feeling excessively tired and low in energy may signal an underlying condition. Feeling tired most of the time is not normal. Having little or no energy is a sign that something is wrong with your body and it should be checked by your doctor.

Fatigue is very common in women with advanced cancer. They often get tired very quickly and have less energy. They can be sleepy and less alert and active. Fatigue can greatly affect mood, appetite and overall quality of life. It is important to enjoy times when a person does not feel too tired to do important activities, such as visits and conversations.

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5. Pelvic Pain

A woman may experience pain or discomfort in the pelvic area and sometimes in the abdomen as well. If the pain persists, it should not be ignored or masked by the use of painkillers. The pain in the pelvic area needs to be treated.

Again, cancerous masses can put pressure on neighboring organs, causing them to ache or throb. Pain in the surrounding areas might also result if cancer has spread.

6. Lower back pain

Lower back pain that radiates to the pelvic area, accompanied by pelvic heaviness, should be taken seriously and a medical examination is required.

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7. Urgent or Frequent Urination

When a woman has a strong urge to urinate and has trouble withholding urine for short periods of time, this may be due to weakening of pelvic floor muscles or urinary tract infection. However, if this continues after seeking medical treatment, it is important for the woman to mention it to her doctor.

8. Bloating

Abdominal swelling or bloating is very common in women with ovarian cancer. As the disease progresses, abdominal distension and bloating will worsen. The abdomen will constantly grow in size and this is a symptom that requires urgent medical investigation.

10 Early Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know

Mold is a phenomenon that is never a coincidence. If you are having a problem with allergies then there’s a good chance there could be black mold in your house growing somewhere. You are breathing and ingesting it every day, whether you know it or not!

How can I detect mold?

Check for visible molds: It is important to do some research and use your senses. Generally, mold appears first in the bathroom, in the basement or laundry room. Check the cellar. small enclosed spaces. windows. recent water damage, corners of the ceiling. curtains of the showers…

For Invisible mold tests: You can use: A test kit at home to measure the quality of the air and detect the presence of mold, or a boroscope to find hidden mold behind walls and other surfaces. Or you can call a toxic mold specialist.

In case you suspect the existence of mold in your house, you can get rid of it using some natural mold removal solutions. For serious mold infestation, it is strongly recommended to contact professional restoration mold removal services.

Here are The 10 Early Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know: open next page to continue reading...

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Redness in your eyes, itching or blurred vision may be related to mold allergy.

Some people are sensitive to mold as an allergen, which makes their immune system start working harder when exposed to it.

So if your symptoms look like hay fever or seasonal allergies accompanied by a headache and one of the next symptoms of mold allergy, you’ll need a mold inspection asap. And don’t forget to see a doctor.

Toxic mold specialists studying mold-related diseases have found that houses that are wet also affect people’s mood. There was a definite relationship between home humidity, mold, and symptoms of depression.

Psychological stress is normal when you have little control over your home environment and have poor indoor air quality that can affect your health.

Take control of the stress by reducing the sources of moisture in the house, adding indoor plants to purify the air, and run a fan to circulate the air.

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Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain and lack of appetite are some of the digestive signs of a mold-related disease. Although these symptoms may lead you to eat less and lose weight.

Unexplained muscle pain that is not caused by intense activity can be a sign of mold-related illness. Muscle pain can be anywhere in your body.

Some people have already reported muscle cramps and acute pain due to mold.

Some of the most commonly reported signs of mold-related illness are breathing difficulties.

In a recent journal on mold and medical diseases, researchers named some of the respiratory diseases associated with mold exposure, including “asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, sinusitis, and pneumonia. hypersensitive “.

Inability to breathe deeply, coughing, wheezing or sinus problems are all likely mold asthma symptoms.

Consult a health care professional if you are concerned about your potential exposure to mold for a mold toxicity test and mold allergy treatment.

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Some of the more unusual symptoms or signs of mold-related illness are excessive thirst, need to urinate more often due to higher consumption, weight gain, dizziness or metallic taste in your mouth.

To prevent mold, repair water leaks in your home. Be sure to ventilate the room sufficiently to circulate the air as much as possible.

Frequently clean areas that are more likely to create mold, such as the bathroom. Clean with the products you usually use. You can put a rag on your nose and mouth if you are cleaning a moldy area to avoid being exposed to particles.

7. Joint pain
8. Fatigue
9. Neurocognitive problems
10. Brain Fog/Confusion/Memory loss
11. Sleep issues
12. Inflammatory problems
13. GI problems/food sensitivities
14. Numbness and tingling
15. Sensitivity to light

If you have a compromised immune system, mold can attack your lungs, skin, organs, eyes and cause devastating effects such as lung cancer or renal failure.

What Can I Do If I Have Mold Poisoning?

If you suspect mold might be a problem there are several things you can do…

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Other Warning Signs — Symptoms of Mold Poisoning:

What Can I Do If I Have Mold Poisoning?

If you suspect mold might be a problem there are several things you can do:

1. Test your environment using the ERMI test (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index), which will reveal the presence, the type and the toxicity of mold.

2. Determine the source of mold and work with a professional mold remediation expert If the ERMI test comes back positive to make all necessary repairs in order to get rid of mold.

3. Find a doctor that specializes in mold issues to begin the detoxification process.

4. Eat and live healthy: Once you have ridden your body of the toxins, you will need to continue to support your health by avoiding foods that feed or contain yeast, mold, and fungus such as carbohydrates and sugars.

How to remove mold naturally and prevent it from coming back?

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How to remove mold naturally and prevent it from coming back?

1. Baking Soda

This is one of the easiest and effective methods I’ve tried. You only need two things; a baking soda and water. Mix them together to create a paste and apply it over the affected areas. Allow to dry and use a toothbrush to scrub until the mold is gone.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar creates an environment that inhibits the growth of mold, mildew and some bacteria. White distilled vinegar is great black mold removal. Vinegar has antibacterial properties which can help keep the mold at bay.

Spray directly on the mold and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Scrub the grout and tiles using a toothbrush until the mold is gone.

Don’t worry about the smell of vinegar, it will dissipate on its own very quickly.

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3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is highly concentrated. You’ll need to mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil and two cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area and let it sit overnight.

Tea tree oil has the possibility to get deep into fibers and particles to remove all the visible and non-visible spores and mold.

In the morning, in case there’s more of mold in some areas. You can rub them down with more tea tree oil.

4. Borax and Vinegar

Borax is known by being highly alkaline (with a pH of 9.3), which makes it a good cleaner, disinfectant and deodorizer. You can get rid of mold using borax by Mixing a 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of borax in a quart of warmer water.

Apply it on the mold and scrub the surface with a toothbrush or sponge until your tiles and grout shine then rinse with water.

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6. Kill mold with hydrogen peroxide

Using 3% hydrogen peroxide is a great and inexpensive solution to kill mold. It doesn’t only kill mold but it also prevents it from coming back. Apply it all over the mold spots in your house.

Another way to use hydrogen peroxide is to create a thick paste by adding white flour. Apply it on the mold and cover with plastic wrap. Allow working its magic overnight, before rinsing well with cold water.

How to prevent mold and mildew: open the next page to continue reading...


How to prevent mold and mildew:

Reduce Humidity by using a fan when you’re done showering in order to remove all dampness traces from the air.

- Increase Air Flow and light by opening the windows to let air circulate in the bathroom.

- Keep it Dry by giving a small squeegee to your tub walls and floor after showering in order to remove all traces of water.

- Keep it Clean by removing remaining debris on the shower or tub walls and floor.

Prolonged exposure can be dangerous for your health. Get rid of mold immediately and try your best to prevent it from coming back.

Warning Signs of Cancer Most People Ignore

Each day, thousands of people sit in exam rooms in doctors’ offices and hear three words that change the courses of their lives forever: “You have cancer.” According to the National Cancer Institute, almost 40 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. In 2017, there were 1,688,780 new cancer diagnoses and approximately 600,920 deaths.

And if you look up symptoms of cancer on the internet, well, everything from a headache to blotchy, red skin will send you in an “Oh my God. I have cancer” tailspin, and that’s no good. While all of these should be taken with a grain of salt, it is also important to realize that sometimes, seemingly small cancer warning signs demand your attention.

Fortunately, we’re here to sift through all of the nonsense you can find online and present you with 10 seemingly insignificant signs that can actually be pointing to a bigger problem.

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1. Lumps beneath the skin

We cannot stress enough the importance of doing self-exams once a month at home on commonly affected areas like the breasts. If you feel a lump on the breasts or testicles, it’s time to head to the doctor. While many of these masses end up being benign, it’s better to be safe than so, so sorry.

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2. Itchy, red skin

If you don’t have any history of skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema and you notice extremely inflamed patches of skin, it may be time to see the doc.

Your body will try to fight cancer on an immune-system level which can lead to skin inflammation.

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3. Bumps on the tongue, back of the mouth, and inside of cheeks.

Any lumps in your mouth should be examined, especially if they’re white.

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5. Irregular bowel movements

Anything funky happening in the bathroom department could be an indicator of colon cancer due to inflammation of the colon.

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6. Cuts or scrapes that won’t heal

This also points back to the immune system. If there’s cancer in your body, that’s going to be your immune system’s priority, leading to stubborn knicks and cuts that won’t heal.

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7. Urinary issues

Changes in the strength of urine flow, color, smell, or the presence of foam and blood can point to bladder cancer and should be addressed immediately.

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8. Abnormal bleeding

If you find yourself bleeding from a place that’s not apparently wounded in any way, visit your doctor.

Bleeding from areas like the uterus can become visible from the outside and be a response from an underlying issue.

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9. Vocal changes

If you notice your voice change in pitch or tone, it’s probably a good idea to go rule out cancer of the larynx.

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10. Excessive coughing

If you find yourself coughing a ton, this could also be a response to gastrointestinal or lung cancer.

While these may seem small, they could point to something much, much bigger. You know your body better than anyone else, so if you notice that something is up, it’s better to err on the side of caution!

10 Signs That Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Properly !!

Every day our minds process tons of information, our bodies perform thousands of actions. Living in this busy world makes it very easy to miss some messages that your body sends you. And the consequences of not communicating and responding to these signals can be drastic.

10. Trouble sleeping

When your kidneys are not functioning properly, it means that toxins cannot exit the body through urine and remain in the blood. Increased level of toxins makes it hard to fall asleep. That’s why when you get less sleep, you increase the chances of kidney function decline

Warning: People with Chronic Kidney Disease more commonly suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes one or more pauses in the breath when you sleep. These pauses can last from a couple of seconds to a minute. After each pause, normal breathing returns with a loud snort. Continuous heavy snoring signals that it is time to see a doctor.

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9. Headaches, fatigue and general weakness

Healthy and properly functioning kidneys convert Vitamin D in our bodies to maintain strong bones and to produce a hormone called Erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. When kidneys don’t function properly, they produce less EPO. The decline of red blood cells (those that carry oxygen) results in rapid fatigue of your muscles and brain.

Warning: It is common for people with Chronic Kidney Disease to have anemia. Anemia might start to evolve when someone has 20% to 50% of normal kidney function. If you’re getting enough rest and sleep, but continue experiencing feelings of tiredness, low energy levels, and general weakness, you should visit your doctor without delay.

8. Having dry and itchy skin

Healthy kidneys do tremendous work by removing waste and extra fluid from the blood, helping produce red blood cells, and maintaining the proper amount of minerals in your body. Itchy and dry skin signal the failure of kidneys to maintain the right balance of minerals and nutrients which can result in bone and kidney disease.

Warning: If you have dry and itchy skin, try to stay more hydrated. Remember, before taking any medication for itching consult your doctor. Certain medications have ingredients that potentially could damage your kidney function even more.

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7. Experiencing bad breath and metallic taste

When waste builds up in the blood, it changes the taste of food and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. Having bad breath is another sign of having too many toxins and contamination in the bloodstream. Furthermore, you may stop wanting meat and lose your appetite in general, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Warning: There are various reasons why food can have a metallic taste (from allergies to poor oral health). Normally, the metallic taste in your mouth should go away if the assumed cause has been treated. If the taste continues to appear, you should contact your doctor.

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6. Shortness of breath

The relation between kidney disease and experiencing shortness of breath, especially after little effort, is caused by two factors.

First, extra fluid in the body moves into the lungs when kidneys are not functioning properly. Second, anemia deprives your body of oxygen and this results in shortness of breath.

Warning: There are various reasons for breath shortness from kidney failure to asthma and lung cancer or heart failure.

If you notice that you are constantly out of breath after putting forth very little effort, you should contact your doctor immediately.

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5. Swelling in ankles, feet, and hands

Kidneys that are failing to perform properly don’t remove any extra fluid from the body. This leads to sodium retention which causes swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands. Swelling of the lower parts of your body can also signal heart and liver disease or leg vein problems.

Warning: Sometimes taking medication, reducing salt and removing excess fluid in your body can stop swelling. If it doesn’t help, then you need a separate treatment.

4. Having back pain

Kidney failure can result in back pain that is usually deep and located right below the rib cage. It can be felt in the front of the groin or hip area. Back and leg pain can be caused by kidney cysts, which are large fluid-filled sacs formed on the kidneys, and are the result of polycystic kidney disease.

Tip: Back pain caused by kidney failure is accompanied by feeling sick, vomiting, high body temperature and frequent urinating. Normal back pain that has no correlation with the kidneys behaves differently: pain is more localized and happens suddenly, there is no fever. If you keep experiencing back pain and pain relief pills are ineffective, make sure you see your doctor.

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3. Puffy Eyes

An early sign that your kidney’s filter system is damaged is the onset of protein in the urine, which can result in puffiness around the eye area. The puffiness around your eye can be explained by the fact that your kidneys are leaking a large amount of protein into the urine rather than keeping it and distributing it throughout the body.

Tip: If you’re sure that your body is receiving enough rest and protein, but you continue to notice puffiness around your eyes, make sure to schedule an appointment to see your doctor.

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2. High blood pressure

Your circulatory system and kidneys depend on each other. The kidneys have small nephrons that filter waste and extra fluids from the blood. If the blood vessels get damaged, the nephrons that filter your blood don’t receive enough oxygen and nutrients. That’s why high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure.

Tip: Learn to manage your high blood pressure to avoid kidney failure. Add foods rich in folic acid as it is engaged in the production of red blood cells and can help prevent anemia.

1. Changes in urination

Your kidneys are responsible for producing urine and eliminating waste through it. Changes in the frequency, odor, color, and appearance of urine should not be ignored. Common types of changes include:

  • Increased need to urinate, especially during the night. Anywhere between 4 to 10 times a day is considered to be normal.
  • Seeing blood in the urine. Healthy kidneys filter waste from the blood to produce urine, but if the filter is damaged the blood cells might start to “leak” out into the urine.
  • Having foamy urine. Bubbles in the urine especially the ones that require you to flush several times until they go away indicate that unwanted protein is in the urine.

The Famous Silent Symptoms Of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

Cancer of the blood cells, or  Leukemia,  causes subtle and surprising symptoms throughout the body. These are clear signs you need to get checked.

What is Cancer of the blood cells (leukemia)?

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, a malignancy that causes abnormal production of certain blood cells. As the unhealthy blood cells crowd out healthy ones, blood function begins to falter and you may notice physical symptoms. The disease may get worse quickly if you have a type known as acute leukemia; the disease may progress slowly and get worse over time if you have chronic leukemia, according to the National Institute of Health. Regardless of which type you have, if you notice a collection of these subtle leukemia symptoms, see your health care provider for an evaluation. Make sure you know the other.

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1.Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and weakness are the most common leukemia symptoms, according to Mark Levis, MD, PhD, the director of the leukemia program at the Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.

These signs are often caused by anemia (a deficiency of red blood cells), which only compounds the physical exhaustion. In both chronic and acute cases, you may experience a range from slight fatigue to extreme physical weakness, but in all cases, the symptoms only worsen over time.

“It creeps up on people, that’s the problem,” says Dr. Levis. Here are some of the 50 cancer myths you need to stop believing.

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2. Frequent or recurring infections

If you have that one small infection that just won’t go away, no matter how many antibiotics your physician prescribes, it may be time to get a complete blood count to check for abnormalities in your white blood cell, hemoglobin, and platelet levels. Abnormal white blood cell levels lead to an impaired immune system, which could explain frequent infections and the feeling of always being on the verge of the flu or infection.

That, coupled with other signs such as fatigue or bruising, should be enough to send you to the doctor. “Leukemia is always a surprise; it sneaks up on you,” says Dr. Levis. Because leukemia patients can be asymptomatic or display symptoms that are common to other illnesses, it’s important to get a physical examination, blood count, and bone marrow biopsy, which will characterize the exact type of leukemia and dictate the necessary treatment.

Next, check out the hopeful cancer statistics everyone should know.

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3.Shortness of breath

As patients grow weaker and more fatigued, they may also experience shortness of breath that stems from anemia or, in much rarer cases, masses in the chest. “They’re panting, they’re out of breath,” says Dr. Levis. “Walking across the room might be difficult.” Shortness of breath also makes the list of forlung cancer symptoms.

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4. A skin rash

Approximately one in 20 leukemia patients may have a skin rash that falls into one of two categories: leukemia of the skin, or a rash caused by Sweet’s syndrome, which is commonly associated with leukemia, according to Dr. Levis. “Leukemia of the skin almost always looks like your skin has a lump inserted inside it,” he says. “A little mound starts growing. Occasionally it can be a plaque-like thing.” Sweet’s syndrome rashes, on the other hand, appear red and angry, similar to an allergic reaction.

But although skin rashes come in all shapes and sizes, leukemia-related rashes have one thing in common: they will continue to grow and spread. Follow these 15 things that oncologists do to avoid cancer.

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5. Excessive or spontaneous bruising

Unexplained bruises without any physical trauma may be one of many leukemia symptoms, according to Pamela Crilley, DO, chair of the department of medical oncology at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and chief of medical oncology at the Eastern Regional Medical Center.

Unusual bruising is a result of a low platelet count or clotting issues, explains Dr. Levis. “You will bruise spontaneously, seemingly doing nothing,” he says. “It can be anywhere, but typically they’ll be on the extremities—legs and arms.” Try starting one of these 30 simple habits to prevent cancer.

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6.Swollen lymph nodes

Check your neck, armpit, and groin areas for noticeable but painless swelling in your lymph nodes. It’s normal for the glands to go up and down in size during periods of infection, but if they stay enlarged or keep growing, that may be one of the symptoms of leukemia or lymphoma, says Dr. Crilley.

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7. Unusual bleeding

Similar to bruising, unusual nosebleeds or bleeding in the gums, bowels, lungs, or the head may be a sign of platelet deficiency and clotting problems, which can indicate acute forms of leukemia, says Dr. Crilley.

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8. Bone pain

Achiness in the bones is a relatively uncommon but often clear sign of both chronic and acute types of leukemia, according to Dr. Levis.

Leukemic cells are made inside the bone marrow, so if you feel anything from mild achiness to extreme pain in your bones, it’s best for you to seek medical attention. Start eating these 30 foods proven to prevent cancer.

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9. Petechiae (small red spots under the skin caused by bleeding)

Dr. Crilley describes petechiae as “like someone painted little red dots with a pen.” The spots, which you might not notice because of their size, painlessness, and placement in the lower extremities, indicate a low platelet count and are one of the symptoms of leukemia.

According to Dr. Levis, petechiae are typically found around the ankles because of gravity results in the accumulation of bodily fluids in the lower legs throughout the day. Scientists wish you knew these 21 reassuring things about cancer.

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10. Extreme pallor

Like headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath, unusual paleness may be a sign of anemia in acute and some chronic leukemia patients. “If they’re looking pretty pale, they’re already pretty advanced and pretty sick,” says Dr. Levis. “They’re almost always extremely fatigued. If your red blood cell level is low enough to be pale, you’re painting when you go across the room.”

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11. Swollen and enlarged gums

Although an increase in the size of the gums, also known as gingival hyperplasia, is usually only found in a small portion of acute leukemia patients, it’s one of the most obvious leukemia symptoms. “If you have a patient with leukemia, you always look in their mouth to see if the gingiva has gotten bigger,” says Dr. Crilley.

The gum may look swollen, says Dr. Levis, and you nearly always feel a strange tightness in your mouth. Check out these other surprising diseases dentists find first.

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12. Pounding headaches

Although not common, frequent pounding headaches may be a sign of leukemia-related anemia or even a life-threatening case of bleeding in the head.

These are the signs of cancer men are most likely to ignore.

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13. Feeling full or bloated

One sign of chronic—and sometimes acute—types of leukemia is an enlarged spleen, which may result in a loss of appetite. You might have what’s called “early satiety,” according to Dr. Crilley.

“Patients eat a little bit of food, they feel full quickly because the spleen is pushing up on the stomach,” she says.

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14. Night Sweats

Night sweats are often caused by infections that may be linked to leukemia. “You’re just drenched, and the sheets are drenched,” says Dr. Crilley. “Something like that needs to be investigated.”

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15. Discomfort or pain in the upper left abdomen

An enlarged spleen caused by leukemia sometimes results in abdominal discomfort or even sharp pain.

“A patient that presented to me with chronic leukemia a few weeks ago, part of his spleen had died off from spleen enlargement,” says Dr. Levis. “It hurt like heck.

It was a sharp pain in his abdomen.” Because the spleen is located in the upper-left quadrant of the abdomen, the discomfort usually occurs there.

Don’t miss the 29 things you think cause cancer but actually don’t.

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16. Fever or chills

Feverishness or chills are not the most common symptoms, typically only occurring in a quarter of acute leukemia cases and almost never in chronic leukemia cases, according to Dr. Levis.

More often, frequent low-grade fevers indicate an infection and a weakened immune system, which may also be related to leukemia.


Early Warning Signs of Big C: Appetite Loss, and More .. (DISCOVER HERE)

Women with advanced cancer often have troubling cancer symptoms. Physical symptoms usually depend on the specific type of cancer a woman has and where it has spread.

However, sometimes the signs and symptoms can be so common and unexpected that most women are ignoring.

 According to the National Cancer Institute, the most common cancers in women are Skin cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Uterine Cancer, and Ovarian cancer.

As you probably know, cancer is one of the most silent diseases and it is often diagnosed when it reaches an advanced stage. Thus the importance of cancer awareness.

The goal of cancer awareness campaigns is to increase awareness and reduce the stigma linked to the symptoms of cancer and treatment. As a result, cancer cases are being diagnosed earlier at a stage when the cancer treatment is more effective.

Here are 15 Unexpected Cancer Symptoms Every Woman Should Know:

The first signs can be so common that some women might ignore them…

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1. Loss of appetite and weight loss

Women with advanced cancer usually become very thin. This may be because they find it difficult to eat and drink, or they have lost their appetite, even for the foods they used to love. This leads to malnutrition and weight loss. This is sign points to ovarian cancer; women who suffer from it say they have no appetite and cannot eat even when they have not eaten anything in a while.

The person with advanced cancer eventually loses a lot of muscle mass or has a great deal of muscular atrophy (cachexia), which makes it extremely thin. Near the end of life, body appliances and systems slow down and may not be able to digest food and water.

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2. Itching and Skin Disorders

It is possible that women with advanced cancer suffer from skin disorders such as dryness, itching or redness above the joints. The skin can become thin and very fragile. These problems can be caused by less consumption of liquids and food and weight loss.

In the other hand, cancer is considered as a bacterium for the body, that’s why the immune system will try to defend the body. This operation increases blood flow to the cancer area, resulting in a color change associated with itchy sensations and skin disorders…


3. Nipple/Breast changes

This is another common sign for breast cancer. Breast bumps must always be monitored and it is always recommended to seek medical advice as soon as you spot an anomaly. Do not wait and ignore any unusual signs.

Certain surface changes, nipples that become inverted, flattened or turned laterally can be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. The red or purple discoloration is also a concern.

Some women say they have noticed that the skin on one part of their breast is looking like cellulite, others that one of their breasts is swollen, hot or irritated.

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4. Dehydration

Someone with advanced cancer may not be able to drink enough fluids because they can not swallow or do not want to drink. This may lead to dehydration.

If a person can not drink enough fluids, they may be given other fluids in a vein (intravenous replacement) or in the tissue just under the skin (hypodermoclysis). This helps to lessen the symptoms of dehydration, such as confusion, nausea or agitation (in some cases).

It is important to talk about administering extra fluids to the person with advanced cancer. The decision to administer additional fluids in the presence of a palliative situation depends on many factors.

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5. Pelvic pain

Cramps, abdominal and pelvic pain often indicate ovarian cancer. Abdominal pain has also been linked to leukemia.

Pelvic pain can be a sign of many problems. In fact, as it frequently accompanies fibromyoma, ovarian cyst, and other reproductive tract disorders, the diagnosis of cancer is not necessarily considered by physicians.

It’s up to you to make sure yours conducts a thorough examination, as pelvic pain and cramps can accompany bloating, which is often a sign of ovarian cancer.

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6. Chronic fatigue

Fatigue is very common in women with advanced cancer. They often get tired very quickly and have less energy. They can be sleepy and less alert and active. Fatigue can greatly affect mood, appetite and overall quality of life. It is important to enjoy times when a person does not feel too tired to do important activities, such as visits and conversations.

Chronic fatigue and weakness are one of the most common symptoms of many cancers. A lot of women suffering from chronic fatigue discovered that they were actually suffering from leukemia.

If you are exhausted for no apparent reason, consult your doctor…

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7. Nausea and vomiting

Many people with advanced cancer may have chronic nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by painkillers, constipation, evolving cancer, blockage in the intestine or slowing of digestion. Nausea is often more important when a person is tired or anxious.

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8. Mouth disorders

It is possible for a person with advanced cancer to have a dry mouth or sore mouth and throat. These problems can occur if she breathes through the mouth, rather than through the nose, if she drinks less and receives certain types of treatment. If the immune system is weakened because of treatment or illness that is advanced, a person may have infections in the mouth. Good oral hygiene can help relieve mouth disorders.

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9. Constipation

Constipation is common in people with advanced cancer. Taking painkillers like opioids, eating less and drinking less and being less active can cause constipation.

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10. Difficulty breathing
Some people with advanced cancer may have difficulty breathing or breathlessness. It really scares them. Shortness of breath can be caused by:

  • the cancer
  • accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pleural effusion)
  • anemia
  • accumulation of fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion)
  • a lung infection (pneumonia)
A person with advanced cancer could breathe better if they:

  • sits on your side or has pillows under your head and back
  • follows oxygen therapy
  • uses a humidifier or fan
  • do relaxation and breathing exercises
  • take medication

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